Vanessa knew from a very young age that she was called to perform.
So much so that she played four sports in middle school and dropped all of them the moment she found out her high school had a theater.
Ever since then her drive has been unwavierng as she continues to fall more in love with the craft. Vanessa is currently represnted by 22Talent.
So much so that she played four sports in middle school and dropped all of them the moment she found out her high school had a theater.
Ever since then her drive has been unwavierng as she continues to fall more in love with the craft. Vanessa is currently represnted by 22Talent.
Instagram and Meta
Vanessa’s first project was a big one!
Vanessa booked the lead in a commercial campiagn for Meta and Instagram.
She filmmed multiple commericals and a coming of age short film for the top brand. It went on to become Meta/Instagram's most watched gen z ad campaign for 2024!
Click to play my favorite on set video